
A multi-faith, multi-racial organization that works to honor God by achieving systemic change to create pathways of opportunity for all Alabamians.

With local congregational hubs in Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, and Montgomery, create a statewide grassroots interfaith, interracial faith-rooted organization that will build and wield power that leads to bold public decisions at the local and state levels that honor the dignity of all of God’s children. A collaborative leadership model will anchor this organization. Only an interracial, interfaith organization committed to shared leadership will possess the needed strength and wisdom to spearhead systemic change in Alabama.

The organization will serve as a prophetic catalyst that counters a narrative in Alabama that drives systemic racism and across race lines blocks pathways to opportunity for low- and moderate-wealth Alabamian families. A love for God, neighbor, and stranger will fuel the organization.

To spearhead this transformation Faith in Action Alabama (Faith in Action) must place God at the center of its work. The grassroots leaders of the organization must build and wield power that leads to bold public decisions at the local and state levels that better honor the dignity of all of God’s children. Faith in Action must not be satisfied with knowing about the needed change, but must be committed to developing and leveraging the necessary power to make fundamental change. Pharaoh in Egypt tried to lead people to think his reality, was the reality. Pharoah of today is trying to do the same. Just like the slaves in Egypt led by Moses, Faith in Action must tap into a faith that says no to Pharoah, and yes to abundant life, by building the infrastructure to claim that victory.

All too often people of faith lead lives as though they pray to a weak and small God. But we, people of faith, need to live in to the truth: we pray to a big and powerful God. We must pray for what our enriches our souls and brings praise, honor, and glory to God — the realization of God goals. God goals are those communal/societal transformations that when achieved all know only occurred through the grace of God. God goals occur when people/communities stretch the bounds of their faith – God goals happen when people of faith dream big, pray hard, and think long.

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