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Former Sen. John Danforth supported Amendment 1’s requirements for more fairness and competitiveness in redistricting after advocating for similar policy at the federal level. He joined the late Sen. John McCain, former Sen. Bob Dole, former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gov. John Kasich and other Republican leaders who filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court advocating for the same principles contained in Amendment 1. Our old colleague, Missouri Sen. Bob Johnson, R-Lee’s Summit, advocated for fair redistricting years before becoming an early supporter of Clean Missouri.

As Danforth said, “Amendment 1 will ensure fair and competitive elections so elected officials cannot take their voters for granted and must earn their support.”

Civil rights leaders also united for Amendment 1. The NAACP, Organization for Black Struggle, the Brennan Center for Justice, Missouri Faith Voices and many others fought for Amendment 1 because it will make Missouri a national leader in protecting the voting power of communities of color.

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