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On Dec. 31, 2018, I joined a few of my Sisters of Providence for what has become an annual ritual among some women in initial formation in our religious community: welcoming the new year together. For the past six years, apart from one New Year’s Eve family wedding, I have welcomed the new year in some fashion at our motherhouse in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

The location and cast of characters have varied. One year involved impressive hats and an ad hoc noisemaker band in one of our residential buildings on campus. Another year we orchestrated our own music videos and played the world’s longest game of Uno. Often we reflect on gifts and challenges of the year, as well as our hopes or predictions for the year ahead. Food and laughter always abound. There is something beautiful about welcoming in the new year with the women co-creating a new spirit with me as we discern and grow in our Providence charism together.

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