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“This administration announced it’s latest attack on immigrant people and children,  underscoring their blatant disregard for human life. As people of faith, we will not stand by and watch. We’ll finish out this march and are calling for an end to this moral crisis and will not stop until we get there. In ICE and CBP custody, young children have been sick, starved, and subject to cruel behavior and inhumane conditions, they are all God’s children and we’ll fight to protect them. said Rev. Herring. “Six children have already died due to unfit conditions in these facilities and we’ll continue to stand strong with immigrants and demand an end to these cruel practices and violence against brown and black immigrants.

“This policy is a Hilul Hashem, a desecration of God’s name. Our president has passed a policy that will take our children, our holiest promise for the future, and keep them indefinitely in captivity.  It will tear apart families and destroy communities,” said Ronkin.

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